My Cabbages! An Avatar Podcast
"My Cabbages!" is An Avatar: The Last Airbender Podcast started by two lovable nerds during a global pandemic to stave off their inevitable existential crisis. How many people does team Avatar accidentally murder? Does Zuko mistreat his interns? Is Aang more of a 5e Druid, or is he a Pathfinder Monk? Where are all the blue tree people? We find answers for all of Avatar's most profoundly unasked questions. Join us, as we journey once more through one of the greatest stories ever told.
My Cabbages! An Avatar Podcast
3.) Himbology (TLOK S1E3) (Ft Josh from Super Scary!)
Zach and Alex ft Josh
Season 4
Episode 1
This episode, our golden boi Bolin gets captured by Amon! Will he get out ok? Will his friends find him in time? Will Josh tear into the TV screen and rescue his Korra Husbando single-handedly? Find out on a very gay, very fun discussion about episode 3, and of course, our favorite Korra Himbo.
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Come tune in for a livestream on Twitch! Wednesdays at 9:00 PM EST!